Originally known as Sacred Heart Academy, Sacred Heart High School was one of the first Catholic girls’ high schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. In 1907 the long desired ambition of Father Michael McAuliffe, pastor of Sacred Heart parish, was fulfilled when the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose agreed to add a high school department to the elementary school, which they had established in 1890. Sacred Heart Academy began as a boarding and day school, with a student body of twenty-seven and the first graduating class of eight in 1911.
The high school was originally situated on Sichel Street in the old convent-academy building, which it shared with the grammar school until the erection of a new parish elementary school in 1923. In the fall of 1923, an addition to the old structure was completed, a modern four-story stucco building. This provided a high school auditorium and sewing room on the ground floor, music rooms on the second floor, and Sisters’ apartments on the third floor.
After World War II there was an increase in population in Los Angeles, and, therefore, a greater demand for secondary education. At the same time, the 4-story wooden structure on Sichel Street that housed Sacred Heart Academy was condemned and a new building was needed. The Dominican Sisters decided to sell the entire property to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles so that a new brick building could be constructed for the high school girls. In 1949 Sacred Heart Academy became Sacred Heart High School located on Griffin Avenue and was placed under the jurisdiction of Sacred Heart Parish. In 1957 a spacious auditorium building, funded by parents and alumnae, was added. A small cafeteria building, a terrace built by the parents and a yard for athletics completed the present high school campus. In 1979 Sacred Heart High School for girls became an Archdiocesan High School and the auditorium became a parish facility.
After decades of fundraising and support from generous donors, the construction of a new gymnasium began in the fall of 2018. After the construction was finished, we had a blessing and dedication service in April. Since then, the gym has become a central part of our student life and athletics program.
Today the school continues to offer opportunities for young women to mature in their own faith and is committed to empowering and encouraging them in their search for scholastic excellence and Truth (Veritas).