Attendance Policy

  • ​Students and parent(s) must be impressed with the importance of regular school attendance, as required by law. Regular attendance is an important factor in academic success.  Students are expected to punctual and in class daily.

  • Students may not leave the campus during the school day or during school functions without the knowledge and permission of the Administration.  Students are not released to strangers or to callers without written parental consent.

  • ​The purpose of this attendance and tardy policy is to make students aware that academic achievement requires regular and punctual attendance.

  • This policy is also intended to foster the values of responsibility and citizenship.


  • All students must arrive on time for school each day.  Students should arrive at school at least 15 (fifteen) minutes before the tardy bell (Monday thru Friday 7:40 a.m.).  A student is tardy for class when she is not in her proper seat at the tardy bell OR is not prepared for the class to begin.

  • Students who are repeatedly tardy will receive consequences as outlined in the Parent-Student Handbook.

  • A tardy will be considered "excused" only if a student has either a signed doctor’s note verifying an appointment or a court document verifying court attendance.  Oversleeping, ordinary traffic issues, and carpool problems are not valid excuses for being tardy.

Absence Procedures

If a student is absent because of illness or other valid reason, her parent or guardian MUST phone the school office (323) 225-2209, between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. on each day of the absence OR send an email to